Edison: calendar of corporate events

Milan, January 10, 2010 – Edison Spa informs that the calendar of corporate events for 2011 will be:

Board of Directors

Tuesday, February 8th - Approval of the 2010 Annual report [project]
Tuesday, April 26th - Approval of the First Quarterly Report at March, 31st 2011
Monday, July 25th - Approval of the Semiannual Report at June, 30th 2010
Tuesday, October 25th - Appr. of the Third Quarterly Report at September 30th,  2011

A conference call with analysts and institutional investors will be scheduled after each of the Board meetings.

Shareholders' Meeting

Tuesday, March 29h - (1st call)
Wednesday, March 30th (2nd call) - Approval of the 2010 Annual Report

Duty to notify the public in accordance with Consob decision no. 11971 of 05/14/1999 as amended.

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