Biovega Project

The Vega-A platform is an oasis of repopulation for marine plant and animal species previously absent in that part of of Sicily.
This is shown by BioVega, the project of the Marine Protected Islands Cyclops Acitrezza, presented today by researchers from the area togheter with Edison’s managers in Sicily and Syracuse.

The project BioVega started in October 2014, the results have shown that below the platform, over the years, has developed an extraordinarily rich and varied marine biodiversity: many Mediterranean fish species, previously absent in the area, such as Groupers (Epinephelus Guaza) , Hooks (Chromis chromis), Tanute (Spondyliosoma cantharus), amberjack (Seriola dumerili), triggerfish (Balistes Capriscus), now inhabit the patch of sea around the platform, attracted by the life and the possibility of nurturing that has developed in the area.