United Nations Framework Convention of Climate Change - COP21

Edison's Palace - Foro Buonaparte, 31 Milan

In occasion of the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP 21) Countries will discuss  about their greenhouse gas emission levels, also their capacity to invest in low-carbon technologies and based on the determination to protect its development opportunities with a view to economic and social growth coherent with sustainability principles.

Climate Change and initiatives to fight them have determined different sides: bilateral approaches (USA and Cina), more global situations (emerging Countries), personalized approach (Europe).

In this framework, it is relevant to explore, in view of Paris 2015, the ranking of 195 countries towards the desirable new “International Agreement”, including possible alliances that would be formed and the inevitable conflicts. Still, it will be also important to check the bargaining strength that each country or geographic, economic and social-environment “blocks” could be able to exercise in the Conference contexts.

The seminar, starting from the present geopolitical asset also characterized by strong current conflicts, will try to outline the tentative alliances and contrapositions that, in the name of Climate protection, could strengthen agreements among Countries and  influence strategic areas as those of economic and energy policies.