Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Edison S.p.A.
The shareholders of Edison S.p.A. are called to a meeting, convened in ordinary session, in Milan, Foro Buonaparte, 31 on Thursday June 24, 2021 at 11:00 a.m, to resolve upon the following
Edison S.p.A. communicates that the dates and/or location and/or methods of holding of the Shareholders’ Meeting could change if further measures are issued by the competent Authorities in light of the COVID-19 emergency - effective as at June 24, 2021 - in relation to the current epidemic and its developments which are currently unforeseeable. Any changes shall be promptly notified using the same methods envisaged for publication of the call notice.
In consideration of the COVID-19 health emergency and as regards the measures issued by the competent Authorities aimed at minimising movements and mass gatherings, as permitted by current provisions, participation in the Shareholders’ Meeting and the exercise of voting rights can only take place through conferral of the appropriate proxy to the representative appointed by the Company (Computershare S.p.A.).
Posting to the financial statements, pursuant to Article 110 of Law Decree no. 104 of August 14, 2020, converted with amendments by Law no. 126 of October 13, 2020, and subsequently supplemented by Article 1, paragraph 83 of Law no. 178 of December 30, 2020, of a tax restriction on a portion of the share capital for an amount of 1,572,280,356.02 euros.
- Resolutions
- Notices to shareholders
- Shareholders’ rightsInformation regarding the processing of personal data download
- Q&ARisposte della società alle domande del socio Gattullo (Italian only) download
- DocumentsReports of the board of directors and motions for resolutions to the shareholders’ meeting (published on May 21, 2021) download
- Press releasesPress release for the 2021 first quarter (published on May 12, 2020) download
- Information on share capital
The subscribed and paid-in share capital amounts to 4,736,117,250.00 euros, divided into 4,626,557,357 ordinary shares and 109,559,893 savings shares, all with a par value of 1 euro.