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Annual financial statements,Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: revenues up to 7,593 million euros (+16.8%); lower ebitda (-17.6%) and net profit (-11.8%). the board approves the early termination of CIP 6 contracts

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Moody's reviews its rating to Baa3 with stable outlook

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: available the minutes of the board of directors meeting of september 24, 2010 regarding new bond issue

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: approved extension of EMTN programme and bonds issue

Annual financial statements,Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: in first half of 2010 revenues of 5,087 million euros (+10.9%) and net profit of 142 million euros (+16.4%)

Press release / Price sensitive /

Thomas Piquemal new member of the board of directors of Edison

Annual financial statements,Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: first quarter results up. EBITDA +8.8%, EBIT +39.3% and net profit +91.4%

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Alessandro Baroni appointed common representative of savings shareholders

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: the shareholders' meeting approves the 2009 annual report

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: order seven times in excess (about 4 billion euros) for a 500 million euros bond issue