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Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: documentation for extraordinary and ordinary shareholders' meeting on 22 and 23 march 2013 is available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: executed two intercompany loans to refinance the maturing 1,5 billion euros credit line

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Alessandro Baroni elected common representative of the savings shareholders

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: publication of the bylaws with the amendments approved by extraordinary shareholders' meeting

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Bruno Lescoeur confirmed chief executive officer

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: the shareholders’ meeting approves the 2012 annual financial statements and the distribution of a dividend of 0.15 euros on each savings share

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: presented the slate for the renewal of board of directors

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: documentation for the special meeting of savings shareholders on april 10, 11, 12 2013

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: published corporate governance 2012 and compensation reports 2012

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: 2012 report the board of statutory auditors is available