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Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: notice of the ordinary shareholders' meeting of september 23-24, 2014 and the report and motion of the board of directors for the item on the agenda are available

Annual financial statements,Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison first quarter revenues up 6.4% to 3.5 billion euros, EBITDA at 216 million euros

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: a strong performance in the first quarter

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: documentation for ordinary shareholders' meeting held on 28 march 2014

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Alessandro Baroni confirmed common representative of the savings shareholders

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: the Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2013 annual financial statements and the distribution of dividend of 0.05 euro on each savings share and of 0.011 euro on each ordinary share

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: notice of the ordinary shareholders' meeting of march 28-29 2014, and the 2013 report of the board of statutory auditors are available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: annual financial report and corporate governance 2013 are available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison closes 2013 financial statements with revenues of 12.3 billion euro (+2.7% compared with 2012), ebitda of 1,009 million euro (-8.5% compared with 2012). net profit grows by 18.5% to 96 million euro

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: board of directors approved 2014 budget and announces calendar of corporate events