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Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison acquires stakes in Scott & Telford fields in North Sea in UK for 41 million euro

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Massimo Bollino appointed common representative of the savings shareholders

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: the Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2014 annual financial statements

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: notice of the Special Meeting of Savings Shares Holders of March 30, 31 and April 1, 2015 and Report of Board of Directors on the items on the agenda, are available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: notice of the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of March 26, 2015 and the 2013 report of the Board of Statutory auditors are available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: annual financial report Corporate Governance 2014 are available

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison ends 2014 with revenues holding steady at 12.3 billion euros and EBITDA of 814 million euros, up compared with 2013, net of the nonrecurring effect of gas renegotiations.

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison grows in UK

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Jeorge Mora resigns from the office of Director of the Board

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Board of Directors appoints Jean-Bernard Lévy as Company Chairman