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Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison closes the first quarter of 2023 with revenues at 6.1 billion euros, with Ebitda and profit increasing to 544 million euros and 288 million euros respectively thanks to good operating performance

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of April 5, 2023

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Shareholders’ Meeting approves the financial statements 2022, appoints the Board of Statutory auditors by confirming its members

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: presented by Transalpina di Energia S.p.a. the proposals for the appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors and of one Director

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: publication of the 2022 Report Of The Board Statutory Auditors

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: publication of the Call Notice of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of april 5, 2023 and of the concerning documents

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: solid operating performance in 2022, with Ebitda up 12.4% to 1,1 billion euros. Profit down 63% to 151 million euros due to the effect of the “Extra-Profitti” decrees

Press release / Price sensitive /

Financial calendar 2023

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: “BBB” rating affirmed and removed from creditwatch by S&P; Outlook stable

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison's Board of Directors appoints Luc Rémont as director