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Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison completes the acquisition of Gas Natural Vendita Italia and increases its customer base by 50%

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: Notice of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of March 29, 2018 and motions for resolutions by the board of directors to the shareholders’ meeting

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison closes 2017 with revenues at 9.9 billion euros and EBITDA showing strong growth of 23% to 803 million euros

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison receives European Competition clearance for the acquisition of Gas Natural Vendita Italia

Press release / Price sensitive /

EDISON: Fenice Qualità per l’Ambiente, FCA Group Purchasing and CNH Industrial Italia define an agreement of principles for the renewal of the energy and ecological services’ contract

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison announces the calendar of corporate events

Press release / Price sensitive /

CONSOB ha approvato il documento relativo all’offerta pubblica di acquisto totalitaria promossa da Edison S.p.A. su azioni ordinarie di Frendy Energy S.p.A. [italian only]

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison S.p.A., Edison Partecipazioni Energie Rinnovabili S.r.l., E2i energie speciali S.r.l., F2i Sgr S.p.a. ed Eolo Energia S.r.l. sciolgono il patto parasociale su Alerion Clean Power [Italian only]

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison closes the 9 months with revenues at 7.2 billion euros and EBITDA showing strong growth at 647 million euros.

Press release / Price sensitive /

Edison: the Offer Document on Frendy Energy was presented at Consob