

Paolo Quaini

Energy & Environmental Services Market

After 10 years spent at PwC Consulting dealing with different industrial sectors, Paolo has joined Edison Spa Milan as Innovation Manager in the Corporate Strategy department.

As soon as the energy trading activity turns into reality in Italy he is appointed as Portfolio Manager and Responsible for Energy Trading activities (short and long term) in Italy and abroad (France, Germany, Switzerland, Greece, Slovenia).

In 2009 he leads the start-up of the new Company for Energy Efficiency services. He develops the new offering focusing on the ESCo (Energy Service Company) approach based on Energy Performance Contract (IPMVP methodology), investments made by Edison and deconsolidating (customer-side) contractual structures. He is also appointed as Board Member of several energy companies of Edison’s Group and as MD of acquired companies in the Energy Efficiency sector.

In 2014 he joins the management team supporting the EDF Executive Committee member in charge of all the Commercial activities of the Group, in France and abroad, with a specific focus on the EDF Smart City Strategy, IoT, complex long-term contract solutions and Industrial and Financial Partnerships.

Since September 2016 he is responsible for the Energy Services Division of Edison Group.


See the other management’s members

Servizi energetici e ambientali

Da sempre forniamo energia alle imprese italiane sostenendole nel loro percorso di successo, innovazione e ricerca.