Organisational Model Pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/2001

Edison and its main subsidiaries adopt an organisational model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 (Model 231), consisting of a set of general principles, rules of conduct, control tools and organisational procedures, training and instruction initiatives, and a disciplinary system with the aim of preventing the commission of offences.   
The Model includes a general section illustrating the function and principles of the Model itself, as well as the content of Legislative Decree No. 231/2001 and the principal applicable standards, and a section concerning various procedural aspects and content (including, among others, adoption procedures, identification of activities at risk, characteristics and functioning of the Model 231 Supervisory Board, information flows, disciplinary system).   
The Model 231 is completed with the following annexes, which form an integral part of it:

  • Code of Ethics;
  • Protocols protecting the risk profiles identified in each unit;
  • Expenditure Regulations and Guidelines for the Management of the Assignment of Powers of Attorney.

The 231 Models of Edison and its subsidiaries are constantly updated, both in response to specific risk assessment activities in relation to new types of offences introduced from time to time in the list of offences for the purposes of 231/2001, and in view of organisational changes within the Group.

Model 231 provides for the appointment of a Supervisory Board 231 (SB), by the Board of Directors, which is composed of two independent directors and an external professional, the latter acting as Chairman. All members meet the requirements of autonomy, independence and professionalism laid down in Model 231. The current Supervisory Board, appointed by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2022, will expire at the natural end of the term of office of the directors serving on it, and thus with the shareholders' meeting called to approve the 2024 budget.

Pietro Manzonetto


Angela Gamba

Independent Administrator

Paolo Di Benedetto

Independent Administrator

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