Remuneration Committee

Remuneration Committe

Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee plays an investigative and propositional role vis-à-vis the Board of Directors with regard to the remuneration of directors who hold special offices and positions of top management (executives with strategic responsibilities), and assists the Board of Directors in drawing up the Remuneration Policy to be submitted to the Shareholders' Meeting. The composition, operation and powers of the Committee are governed by the Rules of Operation of the Remuneration Committee (italian only).
The current Remuneration Committee, appointed by the Board of Directors on 31 March 2022, consists of three members, all non-executive directors, two of whom are independent: Paolo Di Benedetto (independent as Chairman), Angela Gamba (independent) and Caroline Chanavas succeded Florence Schreiber on October 15th 2024, whose terms of office will expire upon the natural expiry of the terms of office of the directors serving on the Committee, and thus with the shareholders' meeting called to approve the 2024 financial statements.

The information below refers to the Remuneration Committee in its current composition.

Paolo Di Benedetto

Chairman and Independent Director

Angela Gamba

Independent Director

Caroline Chanavas


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