Advanced photovoltaics

02_Dual_Fotovoltaico avanzato

A cornerstone of sustainable development

Photovoltaics is an essential pillar of Edison's sustainable development strategy based on renewable sources, together with hydroelectric and wind power. Edison has a number of construction sites open for the construction of greenfield photovoltaic plants and other projects already approved totalling approximately 170 MW, as well as 500 MW awaiting authorisation. The targets for development up to the year 2030 envisage photovoltaics making the most significant contribution (+ 2 GW of installed capacity) to the increase in 'green' capacity.

It is therefore of fundamental importance to have efficient and sustainable photovoltaic generation technologies: in this context, Edison constantly monitors the technology landscape through its analysis and research. Monitoring includes both commercially available products and technologies still under development, and looks across the board at innovative solutions capable of enabling new applications for achieving targets for green energy. ; 

Among the most promising solar technologies, currently characterised by a low level of maturity, Edison focuses its attention on perovskites, an emerging technology that can expand the range of technological options available for photovoltaic modules and open up new opportunities for photovoltaic manufacturing in Europe. ; 

Edison also focuses on innovative solutions already offering opportunities for use in the field. Highly efficient commercial technologies are currently under study with the aim of providing experimental data to support the company's operations in specific areas of application, such as rooftop installations. In these activities, Edison can rely on an outdoor test station for testing the most promising modules, such as those based on silicon heterojunction technology. ; 

per affrontare le nuove applicazioni, come ad esempio l’agrivoltaico, che saranno via via sviluppate nell’ottica di raggiungere i target di capacità installata. Edison also collaborates with Italy's leading universities on an ongoing basis with a view to pooling the expertise required for a multidisciplinary approach to photovoltaics: this type of approach is necessary to address the new applications, such as agri-voltaics, that will gradually be developed with a view to achieving the targets for installed capacity.

Areas in which we innovate

Innovation itself is constantly changing, and in our work at Edison we always keep an eye on the latest developments in the industry, staying on the cutting edge of innovation to safeguard the future.