Caroline Chanavas

Born in Pertuis (France) on 13 November 1965, French citizen

Master's degree in multilingual engineering from the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (Inalco), the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) and a master’s degree in Mandarin,


Professional Experience

  • She began her professional career in 1990 in China at Imaje-Jingling as Sales Manager.
  • In 1995, she joined Sema Group (now SchlumbergerSema) and created the subsidiary in China where
    she became Managing Director. Upon her return to France, she took over as Head of Alliances and
    Partnerships at SchlumbergerSema.
  • In 2003, Caroline Chanavas became Bull's Director of Asia Pacific Strategy, before joining Thales' Air
    Operations division in 2006 where she successively held the positions of Director of Purchasing,
    Commercial Operations, and finally Strategy and Marketing.
  • Until 2006 She was a former auditor of the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (IHEDN).
  • In 2013, she joined Naval Group as Purchasing Director in the Services Department in charge of the
    maintenance and modernization of armed ships and combat systems, then in 2017, as Director of Human
  • In April 2023, she joined the EDF Group as Deputy Director of Human Resources.
  • Since 1 July 2023, she has been Executive Director of Human Resources for the EDF Group.


Main positions currently held

  • Director of ENEDIS
  • Director of EDF ENERGY
  • Director of Fondation EDF


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