Edison: presented by Transalpina di Energia s.p.a. candidates for the integration of the board of directors and the appointment of the board of statutory auditors

Milan, April 17, 2020 - Edison announces the proposals of the shareholder Transalpina di Energia Spa (TdE), owner of a 99.477% stake with voting rights, relating to (i) appointment of directors and (ii) appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors , on the agenda of the shareholders' meeting called for April 28, 2020, on first call and for May 27, 2020, on second call.



The two candidates proposed to integrate the current Board of Directors are: confirmation of Nicola Monti - previously co-opted as Chief Executive Officer by the Board of Directors in June 2019 - and appointment of Florence Schreiber.



The names proposed for the office of Standing Auditor are: confirmation of Serenella Rossi, also as Chairwoman, Lorenzo Pozza, Gabriele Villa; those for the office of Alternate Auditor: confirmation of Silvano Corbella and Luigi Migliavacca and appointment of Patrizia Albano. The proposal also contains an indication of the compensation for the Board of Statutory Auditors.


The TdE proposals, accompanied by the information required by current legislation, including the curricula vitae of the candidates, are available to the public at the Company head office, as well as on the Edison Spa website (https://www.edison.it/en/ordinary-shareholders-meeting-2020), on the Borsa Italiana Spa website (www.borsaitaliana.it) and at the authorized storage mechanism "eMarket Storage" (www.emarketstorage.com).

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