Edison Next
Efficiency and environmental services

Close to customers and territories

Edison Next is Edison's company established to assist businesses and territories in the ecological transition and decarbonisation. A platform of services, technologies and skills, unique on the market, already active in Italy, Spain and Poland, with more than 65 industrial sites, 2,100 public and private structures and active in 280 cities, with more than 3,500 people.

Edison Next: Partnering with customers and territories for the ecological transition

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Edison Next supports businesses with a transformation process that combines sustainability and competitiveness. The company aims to be partner of with its customers, along the decarbonization journey, from the carbon footprint analysis to the joint definition of objectives and the design and implementation of solutions, continuously monitoring the results.

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Public Administration

Edison Next is also focused on the public administration for the development of territories, proposing energy services for buildings (schools, hospitals, sports centres, prisons) and urban regeneration solutions in partnership with developers and constructors.




Edison Next is focused on the increasingly complex and articulated needs of local stakeholders by offering integrated energy efficiency solutions to territories.


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We develop services and offers for all types of customers, designed to meet their different needs in the best possible way and contribute daily to the construction of a relationship based on transparency and trust.

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