Jesi thermoelectric power plant
How the facility works
The facility consists of a gas turbine (GT), a heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) at two pressure levels, a controlled extraction and release condensation steam turbine (ST), an alternator mounted on the same axis as the gas turbine and the steam turbine, and an air-powered condenser equipped with 12 ventilation and auxiliary sections.
Environmental protection and safety
AN SME (continuous emission monitoring system) is in place to ensure emissions are constantly under control.
La centrale termoelettrica in 3D
La centrale termoelettrica in 3D
Main features
Via della Barchetta, 1 - 60035 Jesi (AN)Thermoelectric
Cycle: combined cycle with gas turbine (GT) + steam turbine (ST) + alternator (G1) on the same axis + heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG)
Energy source: natural gas