Edison: Marc Benayoun confirmed Chief Executive Officer
Milan, March 22, 2016 - Edison’s Board of Directors, elected by the Shareholders' Meeting, confirmed Marc Benayoun Chief Executive Officer, providing with the required delegated powers.
The Board of Directors also replaced the Internal Committees established within the Board, making the following appointments: i) to the Control and Risk Committee: Béatrice Bigois (Chairman), Marie-Christine Aulagnon, Paolo Di Benedetto, Gian Maria Gros-Pietro; ii) to the Compensation Committee: Paolo Di Benedetto (Chairman), Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, Nathalie Tocci e Nicole Verdier-Naves; iii) to the Committee of Independent Directors: Gian Maria Gros-Pietro (Chairman), Paolo Di Benedetto e Nathalie Tocci. Gian Maria Gros-Pietro was confirmed Leading Independent Director.
All the Directors declared that they did not own any Edison shares on the date of their election.
The Board of Directors, on the basis of the statements made during the designation by the Directors Paolo Di Benedetto , Gian Maria Gros-Pietro and Nathalie Tocci , found in the hands of the same that they meet the requirements of independence pursuant to Legislative Decree 58/1998 ( TUF ) and the Corporate Governance Code of the Italian Stock Exchange, adopted by the Company.