Silvia Lucia Iaia - Senior Buyer, procurement department

What is your job? 

I am in charge of Oil & Gas project tenders for the Exploration and Production Business Unit in Edison's foreign branches. In the past, I have worked with our offices in Norway, Egypt, and with our branch in the Ivory Coast. I am currently in charge of the tenders for the construction and installation of the new Vega B oil platform, which is to be installed off the Sicilian coast of Pozzallo, where Edison has already been operating the Vega A platform since 1986.

What is your background? I hold a degree in Management Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. My first job was in a big energy company for five years, working also in London and Kazakhstan. I then came to Edison because I was interested in the challenger position in the energy industry. Thanks to Edison I did a Master's in energy business utilities in 2011, which gave me the chance to delve deeper into many power and renewables-related issues as well as to deepen my knowledge of the Oil & Gas sector. 

Where do you see yourself in the future? I hope I will continue to work and grow here in international coordination, as I think this gives me the opportunity to discover new international contexts and bring know-how into the company, to improve the company's expertise in the gas and power sector.  

Any advice for those who are interested in joining Edison? My advice to people who want to be part of our team is to be extremely dynamic and proactive. In the light of my international experience, and considering how much our company is investing abroad, I also think that having a good command of English and French is an essential piece of equipment to be involved in the international development projects.