Altomonte (CS) thermoelectric power plant
How the facility works
This is a combined-cycle power plant consisting of two identical units generating steam and electricity at three pressure levels, and it is only fuelled with natural gas. Each unit consists of a gas turbine (GT), and alternator with a step-up transformer, and a heat recovery steam generator. The steam generated by the two units is channeled into one steam turbine connected to a coaxial generator which produces electricity. The voltage is stepped up before grid input by a transformer. The electricity produced in this power plant enters the RTN (Rete di Trasmissione nazionale - National Transmission Grid) at 380kV voltage.
Environmental protection and safety
The facility is equipped with an SME (Sistema di monitoraggio in continuo alle emissioni - continuous emission monitoring system) to monitor CO, NOX and O2 emissions by means of a fume analyser with alarm threshold.
La centrale termoelettrica in 3D
La centrale termoelettrica in 3D
Main features
P.I.P. area, Serragiumenta, 87042, Altomonte (CS) - ItalyThermoelectric
Cycle: combined, 2 gas turbines (GT1, GT2) + 2 alternators (G1, G2) + 2 transformers (T1, T2) + 2 heat recovery steam generators (HRSG1, HRSG2) + 1 steam turbine (ST) + 1 alternator (G3) + 1 transformer (T3)
Energy source: Natural gas