G8 2009. Energy ministers meeting

Organised by the Ministry of Economic Development as part of Italy's presidency of the G8.

The G8 Energy Ministers Meeting is organised by the Ministry of Economic Development as part of Italy's presidency of the G8. The Energy Ministers Meeting aims to define and reach consensus on energy policies that can help overcome the current economic and financial crisis while coping with the huge challenges ahead of us. The Energy Ministers Meeting will see the participation not only of the G8 member countries but also of emerging economies. The discussions on energy investments for security and sustainable development and on energy poverty in Africa will be joined by Algeria, Rwanda, Australia, Indonesia, Libya, Nigeria, South Korea and Turkey.

The G8 Energy Ministers Meeting will be preceded by a Forum of energy companies, the Energy Business Forum, to discuss how best to foster the investment needed to face the economic crisis. Taking part in the Forum will be Ministers from G8 Member countries and emerging economies and the leaders of the world's major energy companies.