Edison Start award: three Sicilian innovators won the 100,000-euro prize in Energy, Social Development and Smart Communities categories


Three Sicilian innovators won the 100,000-euro prize as well as networking opportunities in the first Edison Start award.

Following an 11-month program which included project proposals, social media and networking, Edison announced three winners for its inaugural Edison Start award for the most innovative ideas in energy, social development and smart communities that commemorate the energy company's 130th anniversary. "Thanks to Edison Start, we could see and touch the innovation that Italy is able to express", Edison CEO Bruno Lescoeur said. The winning projects included a train made of plastic and recycled tires that produces energy for movement, a monitoring software for free parking, and an ethical tourism program housed a building confiscated from the Mafia. All three winners came from Sicily and were selected from a pool of 841 ideas presented by creative developers representing every region. Winners were also connected with a support network from from a team of managers and professionals from Edison, Bocconi University, Milano Politecnico and Assolombarda. A second edition, called Edison Pulse, is launched. More details at edisonpulse.it