An investment in Campania and for the sustainability of the entire country
The new combined cycle thermoelectric plant in Presenzano (CE) is fuelled by natural gas and adopts the best technology on the market. The innovative gas turbine, the result of collaboration with Ansaldo Energia, combines environmental friendliness and energy efficiency, with an efficiency of around 63%.
A next-generation power plant
The Presenzano combined-cycle thermoelectric power plant (CCGT) uses the high-efficiency GT36 class H gas turbine developed by Ansaldo Energia. An excellence of Italian technology that, compared to the national thermoelectric average, guarantees better energy yields, reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
The new plant contributes to the stability of the national electricity system, in the transition towards a carbon-free future. The lower atmospheric emissions allow natural gas to play a key role in ensuring the country's energy security, at a time when the rise of renewables in the country will bring greater challenges to the grid in terms of reduced programmability of production.
Sustainability and landscape preservation
We took great care to integrate the power plant with its natural surroundings. In an area of over 3 hectares near the plant, we planted around 140 trees and 1,000 shrubs, creating green barriers that blend in with the landscape. The colours chosen for the surfaces of the power station were also designed to harmonise with the surroundings.
Gli scavi per la realizzazione della Centrale di Presenzano
Presenzano, identificata come l’antica Rufrae si trova su un’altura ai piedi del monte Cesima e domina la piana del fiume Volturno. Le sue origini risalgono ai Sanniti, che costruirono insediamenti fortificati per la difesa e il controllo dei passaggi. Fu conquistata dai Romani nel 326 a.C. e mantenne importanza strategica anche nel Medioevo, durante le dominazioni di Longobardi, Normanni, Svevi e Angioini. Gli scavi archeologici realizzati tra il 2020 e il 2022 nell’area della centrale termoelettrica, hanno rivelato consistenti tracce relative alle diverse forme di occupazione del territorio dall’età preistorica all’età medievale, evidenziando insediamenti, necropoli e strutture difensive, con rinvenimenti ceramici e metallici che testimoniano la presenza delle diverse civiltà che sfruttarono la ricchezza idrica e la posizione protetta della piana.
Edison continues to play a leading role in Italy's energy transition with an investment plan focused on renewables and sustainable gas.
Partecipiamo alla crescita del Paese
The Presenzano plant is a green field, i.e. a newly constructed power plant.
Its construction took almost four years, involving more than 1,200 employees and 130 supplier companies for a total of 3,800,000 working hours.
The power plant produces energy equivalent to the needs of approximately 1,500,000 households.