Greek foreign affairs and energy ministries give strong political supporto to itgi

Strong committement for the ITGI pipeline

The Greek government consistently and firmly supports the plan for the completion of the ITGI certainly one of the most advanced plans in terms of studies carried out and permits acquired,’ says statement continues.

Rome, 17th January 2012: Commenting upon the joint statement from the Greek Foreign Affairs and Energy Ministries regarding plans for the transporting of natural gas from the Caspian basin to Europe, Harry Sachinis, Chairman of IGI Poseidon and Chairman and CEO of DEPA, the Public Gas Corporation of Greece said:

“We welcome the statement from the Greek Foreign Affairs and Energy Ministries confirming ITGI as the most credible, reliable and ready to go solution which will partner with Shah Deniz II to open the Southern Corridor for European markets.  ITGI can bring Azeri gas to Europe with the lowest risk”.

“Furthermore, ITGI’s  timely realisation and commercial success by providing access to gas from the Caspian to a maximum number of European countries with the maximum certainty possible would pave the way to the development of a broader regional set of projects, connecting the additional gas resources which will be made available to the EU,” noted Sachinis.

 “ITGI is the most advanced Southern Corridor pipeline project with all authorization and permission clearances given compared to other projects which are in a preliminary phase, allowing ITGI to start construction works as soon as gas from Shah Deniz II field is allocated from the on-going commercial bid,” said Elio Ruggeri, CEO of IGI Poseidon and head of international gas infrastructures of Edison, the leading Italian energy company.