Eurogas general assembly: milan, june 10th, 2011 (10,30 am)

Edison will host the annual assembly of Eurogas, a non profit organisation representing the gas sector in Europe. Eurogas is composed of 50 members from 28 countries amongst which 35 natural gas companies, 13 federations of natural gas companies, and 2 international organizations.

Beyond the main executives and managers of the gas companies belonging to Eurogas there will be external participants like Fabrizio Barbaso (Deputy Director General at DG Energy of the European Commission), Antonio Pototschnig (Director of the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators), the Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs Alfredo Mantica, the Undersecretary for Energy Stefano Saglia, and Jason Anderson (Head of Climate Change and Energy Policy at the WWF European Policy Office).

For more information about Eurogas: