Edison signs a new PPA for the development of an 87 MW photovoltaic plant in Lazio region and the purchase of green energy

Edison new PPA photovoltaic Lazio region

The plant will go into operation in the second half of 2024, and will have an annual production of around 145 GWh, meeting the energy needs of more than 53,000 households and avoiding the emission of around 60,000 tonnes of CO₂ equivalents per year into the atmosphere (1).

Milan, October 24, 2023 - Edison, a leading operator in the country's energy transition with 140 years of industrial leadership, announce the signing of a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with an international investment fund. The Agreement is preparatory to the construction of a photovoltaic plant with an installed capacity of 87 MW in Lazio, in the province of Viterbo. The plant will be one of the largest photovoltaic plants in Italy.

The PPA has a ten-year term and envisages the construction and subsequent operational management of the plant by the Investment Fund, and the collection by Edison of all the renewable energy produced (certified by the relevant guarantees of origin), to be made available to its customers.

The plant, which will go into operation in the second half of 2024, will have an average annual production of about 145 GWh, equivalent to the needs of more than 53,000 households, and will avoid1 the annual emission into the atmosphere of about 60,000 tonnes of CO₂.

«Power Purchase Agreements are an important stimulus for the market to build new renewable megawatts and accelerate on the path to decarbonisation. At Edison, we have an important investment plan in the renewables sector that envisages 5 billion euros by 2030, destined mainly for the Group's organic growth, with the aim of increasing green installed capacity from the current 2 GW to 5 GW. In the same way, our portfolio is also evolving responsibly, becoming an increasingly flexible and diversified tool, capable of responding to the needs of our customers with an ever-increasing share of renewable energy», said Fabio Dubini, Executive Vice President Gas&Power Portfolio.


The negotiation of the contractual terms involved Edison's Power Origination team supported by the Legal&Corporate Affairs and Financing&Treasury divisions.


(1) Value calculated on the average emissions of the Italian electricity generation fleet to 2022


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