Edison: publication of the 2019 report of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Milan, April 6, 2020 – Edison informs that the 2019 Report of the Board of Statutory Auditors, prepared pursuant to Art. 153 of legislative decree 58/1998, are available to the public to the public, at the Company's headquarters, on Edison Spa website and on the authorized storage system “eMarket Storage”.

Edison informs also that the Annual Financial Report at December 31, 2019, together with the Auditing Reports, the Report on Corporate Governance with the Report on compensation policy and on compensation paid, the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement and the illustrative Reports of the Board of Directors, with the related motions for resolution, on the issues on the agenda have been already published and are available to the public in the same places mentioned above.

Public disclosure requirements under CONSOB Resolution no. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended.

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Press Office

Elena Distaso

Telephone: +39 02 62228522
Mobile: +39 338 2500609

Email: elena.distaso@edison.it

Lorenzo Matucci

Telephone: +39 02 62227806
Mobile: +39 337 1500332

Email: lorenzo.matucci@edison.it

Davide Calvi

Telephone: +39 02 62227834
Mobile: +39 337 1108265

Email: davide.calvi@edison.it


Marta Mazzacano  

Telephone: +39 02 62227049  
Mobile: +39 335 7749819

Email: marta.mazzacano1@edison.it


Investor Relations