Edison meets Greek Energy Minister Yannis Maniatis and confirms commitment in Greece

Meeting between Edison's top managers and Greek Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Yannis Maniatis focused on investment in Greek hydrocarbons, creation of new infrastructures for gas imports, and development of Greek activity in the field.

Milan, 5 October 2014 - Edison reiterate their commitment as top foreign investor in the Greek energy sector. The company is ready to take on the development opportunities in Greece, both in electricity and in hydrocarbons. In the meeting with Greek Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister Yannis Maniatis, which was took place at Edison's Milan Foro Bonaparte HQ, the company emphasized once again the key role of Greece in their growth strategy.

Edison's managers underlined the importance of Greece in the Group's business, as well as celebrating the consolidated presence of the Group in Greece since 2008, with remarkable investments and a significant impact on employment with Elpedison - joint venture with Hellenic Petroleum ed Ellaktor - and the recent developments in hydrocarbons with the West Patraikos exploration licence in the Patraikos Gulf, in partnership with Hellenic Petroleum and Petroceltic. Special emphasis was given to the partnership between Edison and the Greek public natural gas supply corporation DEPA for the creation of several strategic infrastructures: the IGB pipeline (Gas Interconnection Greece-Bulgaria) and IGI Poseidon (Interconnection Greece-Italy). They have completed the development phase, as well as the study for the EastMed Eastern Mediterranean pipeline.