Edison: agreements signed with F2i for the purchase of 70% of E2i Energie Speciali and with 2i Rete Gas for the sale of Infrastrutture Distribuzione Gas

Through the two transactions, Edison carries on its strategic plan that envisages the development of renewable generation to 40% of the production mix by 2030. With 1GW of installed wind capacity, Edison is the second largest operator in the sector in Italy.

Milan, January, 14 2021 - Edison announces the signing of an agreement with F2i Fondi Italiani per le Infrastrutture, in order to purchase 70% of E2i Energie Speciali, a leading company in the wind sector already fully consolidated by Edison that holds the remaining 30%, thus terminating the partnership started in 2014. At the closing of the transaction, expected in the first quarter of 2021, the renewable assets controlled and consolidated by Edison will have a total installed capacity of more than 1 GW (1). Through this transaction Edison strengthens its leadership in energy transition in line with the Country's decarbonisation targets.

E2i Energie Speciali has a production portfolio consisting of 38 wind farms with an installed capacity of 706 MW, in addition to 4 projects for 74 MW, and 3 small photovoltaic plants. The company operates in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Toscana, Sicilia Regions and produces about 1 TWh of electricity per year, equal to the average annual consumption of 370,000 households.

The transaction allows Edison to regain full industrial control of E2i assets and to enhance the synergies deriving from an integrated presence across the entire energy chain, including development and production activities, maintenance and management of renewable plants, and the sale of the energy produced.

Edison has a leading role in the Italian energy transition - says Edison CEO Nicola Monti -. Through this transaction, we concretely demonstrate our commitment to renewables and our contribution to reach National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) targets. I would like to express my warm thanks to our partner F2i: today we are one of the most relevant wind operators in Italy thanks to many challenges we’ve faced together since 2014".

Edison also informs that today it has signed a second agreement with 2i Rete Gas, a company participated by the investment funds managed by F2i, Ardian and APG, for the sale of 100% of Infrastrutture Distribuzione Gas (IDG), a company entirely owned by Edison. IDG manages the grids and plants for the gas distribution in 58 Municipalities of Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardia and Veneto Regions, it operates in 17 minimum geographical areas (known as Atems) and has 152 thousand customers. The closing, also for this second agreement – which is subject to Antitrust approval -, is expected within the first four months of 2021.

The two agreements signed with F2i and 2i Rete Gas, which will increase Edison's net financial debt by around 150 million euros, are part of Edison's strategy to develop an energy low-carbon highly sustainable and from renewable sources, with the aim of bringing the renewable generation to 40% of the production mix by 2030, divesting at the same time from non-core activities.



Public disclosure requirements under Consob Resolution no. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended

1 Hydroelectric activities excluded

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