The company Tremonti founded: Ambienthesis, Herambiente, Sersys ambiente and Edison together for remediation in sites to be reclaimed

The NewCo will carry out its first interventions in the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino (PE) site of national interest, and will later extend its activities to areas of the Bussi industrial plant and Piano d'Orta.

Milan, 24 May 2021 - Tremonti, a NewCo specialising in soil and groundwater remediation services, has been created thanks to the expertise of four leading operators in environmental services: Ambienthesis, Herambiente (Hera Group), Sersys Ambiente and Edison. The NewCo will carry out its initial activities in the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino (PE) site of national interest (SNI) and will gradually extend its activities to the Piano d’Orta area and the Bussi industrial plant, as soon as the legal proceedings still pending allow it to do so. This special-purpose company is an exemplary model for managing and successful resolving cases of land contaminated in the past by industrial firms in Italy, such as the former Montedison sites, which Edison is now fully responsible for recovering.

The new company’s partners are Ambienthesis, a leader in remediation, environmental reclamation and special and hazardous waste treatment, recovery and disposal; Herambiente, a member of the Hera Group and Italy’s leading waste treatment operator, offering innovative and sustainable integrated management solutions thanks to its roughly 90 plants equipped with the best technologies; Sersys Ambiente, which specialises in environmental services, from waste analysis and management to remediation planning; and Edison, a leading figure in the Italian energy transition, committed to production from renewable sources, efficient use of resources and environmental services.

NewCo’s first projects will be carried out in the northern part of the Tre Monti area of the Bussi sul Tirino SNI and will prolong the work carried out by Edison in this portion of the site. The technology chosen involves thermal desorption, a system of soil heating using deep pipes to evaporate and extract the volatile and semi-volatile organic substances present underground. Waste mixed with topsoil will be removed and transferred to treatment sites and, where possible, recovered.

Once the Ministry of Ecological Transition has verified the results of activities on the first portion of land, the intervention will be extended to the entire northern area. The NewCo will progressively extend its work to the Piano d’Orta and industrial plant areas. Work is already underway to remove the waste present on the surface of the land in the southern area of Tre Monti.

Given the sensitivity of this issue and the need to ensure constant communication with the authorities, the work is expected to be completed by 2024.


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