Andrea Munari

Born in Treviso on 18 August 1962, Fiscal Code MNR NDR 62M18 L407M, Italian citizen.
Graduate in Political Economics from Bocconi University in Milan.


Professional Experience

  • Since 26 June 2023 he has been Managing Director and Co-General Manager of AMCO SpA.
  • He started his professional career in 1987 working in an industrial company FACCO SpA and then moved
    on to Standard Chartered Bank in Milan (1989 - 1991) and later, to Morgan Stanley (1991 - 1997) in London and Paris, in the Fixed Income and Trading areas.
  • Afterwards, he worked in France and again in London, as Managing Director of Barclays Capital (1997 -
    2000) before returning to Morgan Stanley again as Managing Director (2000 - 2006) as Head of European
    Government Bond Trading and Italian Global Capital Market.
  • In 2006 he returned to Italy as Managing Director of Banca Caboto, later becoming General Manager of
    Banca IMI (2007 - 2013) following the merger between Banca Intesa and San Paolo IMI.
  • From February 2014 until November 2015, he was Managing Director of Credito Fondiario, through a
    management buy-out transaction conducted together with Tages Group.
  • From 26 November 2015 until 27 April 2021, he was Managing Director and General Manager of BNL SpA, Head of BNP Paribas for Italy and member of the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas.
  • Since 28 January 2016, he has been Chairman of Findomestic Banca, concluding his mandate coinciding
    with his appointment as CEO and General Manager of AMCO SpA.
  • From 28 April 2021 to 26 June 2023, he assumed the role of Chairman of BNL, concluding his term as CEO of BNL.
  • Since January 2016 he has been a member of the ABI Executive Committee and since 2021 a member of the Chairman's Committee, concluding his mandate on 30 June 2023.


Terminated positions

  • He was a member of the Board of Directors of the London Stock Exchange Group from 2007 to 2016,
    where he served as a member of the Audit and Risk Committee and until 2017 as a Director and Deputy Chairman of the subsidiary Borsa Italiana.
  • He was a member of the Advisory Board of ENI Trading & Shipping.
  • Since January 2022 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Koinos Capital SGR S.p.A.,
    resigning with the Board of Directors in October 2024.
  • From April 2020 until 30 June 2023, he was a member of the Board of Directors of ISPI, Italian Institute of International Policy Studies.
  • He was a Board Member of the Telethon Foundation from 2018 until October 2022.
  • He was a member of the Advisory board Associazione Amici della LUMSA from June 2017 until May 2023.


Main positions currently held

  • From March 2021 he is a member of the Board of Directors of SOFIDEL SPA.
  • Since June 2021 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Assonime.
  • Since May 2022 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione Cortile dei Gentili


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